Thursday, January 14, 2016

Happy 2016 Everyone!

Hey All!  I know that it's been a while since I've been on here.  It's very tough with the hustle and the bustle of the holiday season to get on here with everything else that was going on. In addition to that I have been struggling with Strep throat as well as carpaltunnel in my hand, making it difficult to cards make from time to time.  I am not currently able to sit and make multiple cards at once, and I'm very lucky to make one entire card in one sitting, but I will continue to battle through this too...
  I hope that each and every one of you had a fantastic holiday season and that you got to spend some time with your family and friends creating the most incredible memories as well as enjoying the beautiful magic that Christmas brings with it.  I think it has to be one of the most incredible times of the year, to sit back and watch the magic in the kids eyes (my boyfriend's nieces and nephews and my godson and his brother).  The magic of the season in their eyes is so contageous and makes it such a beautiful time of year.  The decoration and lights just have me in awe.  The time spent with family either telling stories, laughing and creating memories and even baking with my mom is something that is so wonderful, and it wouldnt be the same without it.  Going for a stroll hand in hand through old town Niagara on the Lake with my man while doing a little bit of Christmas Shopping with warm drinks is something else that helps to create the season for me. 
While I know that this season is a beautiful one for me, I understand and acknowlege that it isn't the easiest and in some cases is a very difficult and painful season for so many others.  In all honesty my prayers and thoughts have been with so many who find the holiday season difficult and I pray that they can find even just a glimmer of hope throught it all, whether it be a smile or a kind gesture of a stranger or someone who goes out of their way for them to make the season just a little bit easier, I pray that they were able to find a little piece of beauty through that.
As for 2016 I hope that you all had a fantastic New Years and that 2016 holds only the most amazing things for each and every one of you.  This year was the first time in my life that I didnt set any personal Resolutions.  I have found in past years that I was setting Resolutions that were often very hard to accomplish and I would put a ton of stress on myself trying to accomplish them when the stress wasn't necessary.  This year I decided instead that I would create crafty resolutions for myself. 
I decided that this year I would start my year with a big overhaul and tidy of my scrapbooking / card making "nook".  Last year over Christmas I got a couple storage units that I started using for my supplies, but this year I decided that I was going to get myself a decent storage unit that I would have for years to come.  I am so lucky that I have a man that LOVES me as much as he does and whom is so handy to have around.  He worked very hard to build my storage unit and put it together so that I have a spot to store all my supplies (and it looks amazing too!)  I have been spending alot of time going through things, and sorting and organizing.  I am so thrilled with the way that it has come along, and wanted to share it with you guys (my crafting family).  
Check out these photos of my scrap nook project.

I have used many organizational tools and methods of some well known Cardmakers and am thrilled with the way that their methods work for me and how much they make my life so much easier.  I use the Birthday Box method that Jennifer McGuire uses, as well as the same method for my stamp storage that she uses in addition to her ink swatches.  I love how these things make my life so much easier. 
Another crafty Resolution of mine is to make a very solid attempt of competing in a minimum of one challenge a week, and doing my best to post/blog my cards on a weekly basis to share with all of you!
I cannot wait for what 2016 has in store for me.  I look forward to playing along with challenges and getting on here more.  I love the continual feedback, and hope that you all continue to let me know what you think of the ideas and cards that I post. 
See you all soon!

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